As the first step to an intervention study is to determine the achievability of the intervention, we will first undertake a feasibility study with two worksites to understand the feasibility, impacts, and cost-benefit analysis of implementing the Standard and associated tools, as written. The feasibility study will be undertaken in two stages. The first stage will involve two focus groups (6-7 participants) organized in each worksite: (1) one with CEs, and; (2) one with supervisors/managers/human resources personnel. The second stage will entail the actual implementation of the Standard, and associated tools, as written, as interventions in the workplaces concerned. This process will require standardized training of HR personnel and employees on the content of the Standard, its Implementation Guide, and various additional KM tools. Longitudinal survey data capturing health (mental and physical), quality of life, and work satisfaction outcomes will be collected three times from both CEs and HR personnel (onset, middle and end of intervention) across a 12 month period. This will be followed by retrospective qualitative interviews with participants to inquire about the impact of the Standard and associated tools, as written, on the workplace (i.e. culture change, collegiality, economic costs and benefits, etc.), and their own work-life balance. Data will be analyzed and triangulated.
Strengthening Team Culture Learn More
A Caregiver Friendly Workplace Standard Webinar
The Standard as an Intervention Learn More
Research Brief
Expandable List
Ding, R., Ploeg, J., & Williams, A. (2023). A Workplace Environmental Scan of Employed Carers During COVID-19. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Click here to access full article.
Ding, R., Gafni, A., & Williams, A. (2022). Cost Implications from an Employer Perspective of a Workplace Intervention for Carer-Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2194. Click here to access full article.
Ding, R., & Williams, A. (2022). Places of paid work and unpaid work: Caregiving and work-from-home during COVID-19. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien. Click here to access full article.
Ding, R., Dardas, T., Wang, L., & Williams, A. (2021). Improving the Workplace Experience of Caregiver-Employees: A Time-Series Analysis of a Workplace Intervention. Safety and Health at Work. Click here to access full article.
Expandable List
Caregivers Alberta. (2022, May 12). The juggling act: Balancing work and caregiving. Panel discussion with Regina Ding, Allison Williams, Nora Spinks, and a carer-employee at Caregivers Alberta, Canada.
Ding, R., Duxbury, L., Williams, A., & Spinks, N. (2022, April 5). Care and work in Canada: Reflections, discoveries and projections. Presentation at National Caregiver Day, Catalytic Conversations, Regina, Canada.
Ding, R., & Williams, A. (2021, April). Working carers during COVID-19: How an environmental scan in a large Canadian firm informs adaption to a new reality. Presentation at the Sustainable Care Conference 2021, Virtual (Sheffield University, UK).
Williams, A., & Ding, R. (2021). Helping your business, while helping your employees who also provide family care. Oral presentation at the Public Services Health & Safety Association Return to the Workplace (RTWp) Conference, Virtual Event.