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Project 3: Supporting Work & Caregiving: Diagnosing Readiness to Change

Project timeline: 2017 to 2020

This study will collect qualitative data from Human Resource (HR) experts across Canada, via the Conference Board of Canada, to inform our understanding of the barriers to progressive change in the workplace. It is critical that we examine and understand the systemic, economic and/or cultural barriers that stand in the way of more widespread awareness of CE wellbeing, as this will facilitate uptake of the Standard and associated tools, as written. Dr. Duxbury will use a structured communication technique which relies on a panel of experts (HR experts who are members of the Conference Board of Canada) to collect the data needed to construct a force field diagram describing the forces encouraging and dissuading employers from implementing policies and programs supporting CEs.


Expandable List

Sadavoy, J., Sajedinejad, S., Duxbury, L., & Chiu, M. (2021). The impact on employees of providing informal caregiving for someone with dementia. Aging & Mental Health, 1-7. Click here to access full article.

Halinski, M., Duxbury, L., & Stevenson, M. (2020). Employed caregivers’ response to family-role overload: The role of control-at-home and caregiver type. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35(1), 99-115. Click here to access full article.

Sadavoy, J., Sajedinejad, S., Duxbury, L., & Chiu, M. (2020). A Canadian national survey of informal employed caregivers of older adults with and without dementia: Work and employee outcomes. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. Click here to access full article.

Duxbury, L., Bardoel, A., & Halinski, M. (2020). ‘Bringing the Badge home’: Exploring the relationship between role overload, work-family conflict, and stress in police officers. Policing and Society, 1-20. Click here to access full article.

Smith, C., & Duxbury, L. (2020). It is not just what you say, but how you say it: A case study exploring union‐member communications. Industrial Relations, 51(1-2), 2-33. Click here to access full article.

Duxbury, L., & Ormsbee, F. (2020). Does studying the past help us understand the future? An examination of the expectations of Gen X knowledge workers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(7), 935-963. Click here to access full article.

Ding, R., Duxbury, L., Williams, A., & Spinks, N. (2022, April 5). Care and work in Canada: Reflections, discoveries and projections. Presentation at National Caregiver Day, Catalytic Conversations, Regina, Canada.


Conference Board of Canada