This project will examine the intersection of work-life balance, employee health, and eldercare using various national Canadian datasets from the Conference Board of Canada and the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging. Specific attention will be placed on how care recipient health conditions (ex. Dementia, cardiovascular disease) may be associated with carer health outcomes. Sub group analysis will also be done to examine differences in health and work outcomes between male and female carers, as well as sandwich carers. Quantitative methods such as: Factor analysis, principle component analysis, and partial least squares path modelling will be used to investigate the multi-dimensional implications of care work.
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Duxbury, L., Ding, R., Stevenson, M., & Sadavoy, J. (2024). Impact of Care-Recipient Health Conditions on Employed CaregiverWell-Being: Measure Development and Validation. Journal of Aging and Health, 0(0), 1-18. Click here to access full article.