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Project 13: Canada’s Compassionate Companies Evolution and Sustainability

The objective of this project is to examine carer-friendly organizational dynamics and support services for care-employees in Canada. This project aims to increase the number of care-friendly organizations and services in Canada. Through a partnership with the Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Association (CHPCA), this research investigates the motivations, challenges and benefits of holding the CHPCA’s Compassionate Care Company Designation (CCC) and examines the ways CCC organizations have responded in the context of COVID-19. This project draws on a series of semi-structured interviews with care-employers and care-employees, webinars, and evaluative surveys.

To learn more about the CCC program click here:

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Rishworth, A. (2022). Who is responsible for wellbeing? Shifting care responsibilities in the Canadian landscape: The case of state-employer interactions. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 3. Click here to access full article.


Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care