Statistics Canada estimated in 2012 that nearly 46% of all caregivers in Canada were male; this is a dramatic change in previous numbers, where the vast majority of caregivers in Canada were female, 80% (Canadian Women’s Health Network 2004). Given this shift, there is currently a lack of information regarding full-time, male caregiver-employees (CE’s). CE’s are defined as individuals who are combing paid labour and unpaid caregiving.
The purpose of this research is to explore the experiences of the male CE’s that are also working full-time. This qualitative study aims to explore a wide range of variables, including: subjective wellbeing, self-care and coping strategies, use of community resources, caregiver burden, availability of social supports, and meaningfulness of the caregiving role. This project explores: How male CE’s manage both informal caregiving and full-time work.
Expandable List
Maynard, K., Ilagan, C., Sethi, B., & Williams, A. (2018). Gender-based analysis of caregiver-employee men: A North American scoping review. International Journal of Care and Caring, 2(1), 27-48. Click here to access full article.
Maynard, K., Ilagan, C., & Williams, A. (2019). Male working carers: A qualitative analysis of males involved in caring alongside full-time paid work. International Journal of Care and Caring, 3(3), 425-444. Click here to access full article.
Maynard, K., & Williams, A. (2017). Male Caregiver-Employees: A Qualitative Analysis of Men Involved in Informal Care and Full-Time Work. Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG). York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.